He Wants To Be A Princess

I just read this book and I liked it a lot! It is about a little boy who cries to his mom that he wants to be a princess. His mom gets confused at first but then she accepts. When the boy goes to sleep that night, his mom exchanges all his boy toys for a big princess castle to make him a surprise. But when he wakes up he doesn’t want to be a princess anymore, he wants to be a dinosaur and he wants his toys back.I think this story is very smart and funny and has a great, interesting message for both kids and parents. It tells kids it is ok to be yourself. And it tells parents to get out of the box. Let your kid be what he wants to be and take it easy. Kids are growing, they need to experiment, they change every day, they need some freedom to get to know and express themselves. This is a great message and I think it is conveyed very well in this story. It is very exciting, fun and funny. The illustrations are fun as well, very colorful, naif and expressive. Will make kids and parents laugh and have fun. I recommend this book to kids and their parents to read and learn to be freer.